Transform Anyone into an AI Avatar Chatbot to Skyrocket Productivity, Leads, & Sales

Clone Yourself or Any Expert On Your Knowledge & Style &
Let Them Coach Your Audience 24-7

Launching 1-7-24, 11am EST

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Auto-Clone Yourself into AI

Turn yourself in an AI chatbot avatar that helps grow your business 3x faster

Auto-Clone an Expert into AI

Turn any business owner or public expert into an AI chatbot with their knowledge

DFY AI Coaches to Use or Sell

Choose from already DFY AI coaches to sell or rent out to businesses

Coach & Mentor Your Audience 24-7

Put your AI chatbot avatar in memberships & charge for access

Train with Specific Knowledge

Let the AI teach & interact the way you would, not how ChatGPT would

Generate Leads & Sales 24-7

Let your AI avatar chatbot work 24-7 generating leads or selling products

Customize Looks & Personality

Customize the chatbot avatar looks, personality, coaching style, & more

Sell to Clients

Sell customized AI chatbot avatars to clients with Commercial Technology

Embed Anywhere & So Much More

In this 1st ever no-code AI chatbot avatar customization suite

Turn Yourself or Any Public Expert…
Clone yourself or an expert…
Into an AI Avatar Chatbot Customized with Specific Knowledge
into an AI digital avatar chatbot with customized appearance, customized knowledge, and customized personality.

In Minutes You Can…

Clone Yourself into an
AI Avatar Chatbot

Turn yourself or a client into an AI bot that coaches clients & drives leads 24-7.

Clone an Expert to
Consult From

Clone an expert to learn from without $1000s in consulting fees.

Create & Sell a DFY AI Coach to a Small Business

hoose from tons of pre-trained AICoaches to use in any business.

Create Your Own Specialized AI Coach from Scratch

Or build your own AI bot that works for you 24-7 for you educating your audience, driving leads, training staff, & more the way YOU want.

and more.

The Next Revolution in AI is
Customized Training

AI and ChatGPT have revolutionized the way we do business, but come with massive limitations.

ChatGPT & current AI chatbots can’t teach, coach, and interact with your clients and prospects they way YOU can. 

Yes, there are AI bots that can automate a lot of tasks.

But, to really grow a business you need AI with its own identity and skillset that helps differentiate your business, your coaching style, the way you sell from, etc. from every other business out there.

Current AI Chatbots

Aren’t Trainable on Specific Data & Can’t Share Unique Knowledge

Are Complicated to Setup and Costly

Feel Cold and Lifeless

But, for the first time ever, anyone regardless of experience can…

Clone Themselves or Any Expert Into a Customized AI Avatar that Works Tirelessly on Your Behalf

Imagine that in seconds you could…

Clone yourself or an expert coach that mentored your clients while you slept in your style with your exact knowledge.

Clone an expert to get high-level consulting from each day without paying thousands in fees.

Or create a customized AI chatbot avatar that works to drive leads and sales for your exact business 24-7.

You could grow your business by 10x and even start your own chatbot agency.  Sounds like something from the far future, though, right? Well, we’ve made it happen.

AICoaches lets you clone yourself or any expert into an AI avatar chatbot with customized knowledge that mentors clients, closes leads, and works tirelessly on your behalf growing your business.

Plus, you can customize and rent out already DFY AICoaches pre-trained in many different niches to small businesses to run an AI automation agency business, helping them save thousands of dollars in salaries.

AICoaches Isn’t Just Another GPT Chatbot….

These AI Chat Avatars Are Trainable
on YOUR Data

These AICoaches are trainable, meaning they’ll teach and work according the style and philosophy of the business owner. 

That’s FAR more valuable than just using a standard AI chatbot.

Educate Your Audience 24-7

provide a clone of yourself or a business expert that talks and mentors your buyers in a membership

Provide Support For Your Products

have customers get support and their questions answered from your trained support coach bot

Generate Leads 24-7

put your AI bot on a website and let it interact with visitors and push people to give their email address

Suggest and Offer Specific Products

train your AI coach to offer tailored products specific to what a lead wants

Train Your Staff 24-7

let new hires ask your AI bot how certain processes work, ask for specific tutorials, and more

Learn Personally From

level up your game in life by cloning a public expert like Huberman, Hormozi, and more and consult with the AICoach on a regular basis

You Can Even Run an Entire Business Like
In Many Different Ways

AICoaches is So Easy to Use…

01.Clone Someone Into AI or Choose a DFY AICoach

Choose to start from scratch and clone yourself or a public expert into an AI chatbot.

Or choose from already DFY AI avatar chatbots trained as experts in specific niches.

02.Train Your AICoach

Then, train your AI avatar chatbot on specific data so it shares customized knowledge the way you want with your prospects.

You can copy/paste text, add video links, add URLs, upload text documents, and more to train the AI.

03.Customize Appearance and Personality

Customize the personality and coaching style of your AI chatbot. Choose to make it more gentle vs more direct or more serious vs more light-hearted for example.

Plus, customize the chatbot appearance by adding your own image, changing colors, editing names, editing welcome and default messages, and more.

04.Put Your AICoach to Work 24-7

Choose what you want your AI chatbot avatar to do; sell products, generate leads, provide support, etc.

For instance, add lead capture forms if you want your AICoach to generate leads for you.

The AI avatar chatbot will work 24-7 educating clients, generating you more leads, increasing sales, and more just like if you cloned yourself or hired an industry expert in your field.

Meet Some of the Customizable AI Coaches You Can Pick From:

Lila Ananda

Yoga Coach

Lila Ananda, hailing from the tranquil valleys of Rishikesh, India, embraced yoga's essence from childhood, mentored by her yogi father. 

Journeying through Asia and Europe in her twenties, she amalgamated diverse traditions, crafting a distinctive teaching style. 

Today, Lila is celebrated for intertwining ancient wisdom with modern lifestyles, inspiring many to find harmony within.

Doug Strong

BodyBuilding Coach

Douglas "Doug" Strong, born in the gritty heart of Brooklyn, transformed from a lanky teenager to a national bodybuilding champion by his mid-twenties. 

Drawing from his own trials and triumphs, Doug developed a coaching methodology that emphasizes mental resilience as much as physical prowess. 

Now, he stands as a beacon in the bodybuilding community, guiding aspiring athletes to sculpt not just their bodies, but their character.

Maxwell Lean

Weight Loss Coach

Maxwell "Max" Lean, once grappling with obesity in his youth, embarked on a transformative journey that led him to shed over 100 pounds. 

Utilizing his personal experience, Max devised a holistic approach to weight loss, emphasizing sustainable habits over short-term fixes. 

Today, as a sought-after coach, he empowers clients worldwide to reclaim their health and confidence, one step at a time.

Fiona Ledger

Financial Coach

Fiona Ledger, raised in the bustling finance hub of London, swiftly ascended the ranks of a premier banking institution before realizing her true passion lay in personal finance education.

Harnessing her extensive expertise, she transitioned into coaching, crafting personalized strategies to help individuals navigate their financial journeys.

Today, Fiona is a renowned figure in financial literacy, guiding many to a future of fiscal clarity and abundance

Oscar Digitalis

Online Marketing Coach

Oscar Digitalis, born in Silicon Valley's tech-driven culture, quickly distinguished himself as a digital marketing prodigy by launching a series of successful online campaigns in his early twenties. 

Recognizing the vast potential of the evolving digital landscape, Oscar pivoted to coaching, aiming to democratize online marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. 

Today, he stands at the forefront of the industry, guiding brands to online prominence with his innovative methods and insights.

Sandy Amore

Relationship Coach

Sandy Amore, hailing from the romantic city of Venice, Italy, embarked on a quest to understand the intricacies of human connection after witnessing the ebbs and flows of many a love story. 

Merging her European sensibilities with formal studies in psychology, Sandy developed a compassionate yet pragmatic approach to relationship coaching. 

Today, she's revered globally, helping countless couples rekindle passion, navigate challenges, and write their own enduring love tales.

Dan Harmon

Life Coach

Dan Harmon, emerging from the vibrant streets of New Orleans, faced a myriad of personal challenges that led him to discover the transformative power of mindset and intention. 

Turning his life around, he became a beacon for others, channeling his experiences into a holistic life coaching methodology. 

Today, Dan is renowned for guiding individuals to unearth their potential, navigate life's tumults, and carve out fulfilling journeys.

Serenity Vale

Spirituality Coach

Serenity Vale, born amidst the mystical Himalayan peaks, was immersed in spiritual practices from a tender age under the tutelage of renowned monks and sages. 

Transcending beyond her roots, she synthesized Eastern philosophies with Western spiritual inquiries, creating a harmonious blend for modern seekers. 

As of now, Serenity is a beacon in the spiritual realm, guiding souls towards inner peace, awakening, and a deeper connection to the universe.

Miles Uplift

Motivational Coach

Miles Uplift, emerging from the challenges of Detroit's inner-city life, transformed personal adversity into a relentless drive for growth and empowerment.

His unyielding spirit and dynamic approach to overcoming obstacles soon became the foundation for his motivational coaching philosophy. 

Miles is an international sensation, inspiring thousands with his infectious energy, actionable strategies, and a genuine belief in every individual's potential.

Vince Delacroix

Chef / Recipe Expert

Vince Delacroix, nurtured in the gourmet heartland of Bordeaux, France, displayed a prodigious talent for culinary arts from a young age. 

Trained under Michelin-starred chefs and drawing inspiration from his family's rich culinary heritage, Vince mastered the art of blending traditional French techniques with global flavors. 

Today, as an internationally acclaimed chef, Vince is celebrated for his innovative dishes that tell a story, connecting diners to the very soul of gastronomy.

Natalie Stonebridge

Real Estate Expert

Natalie Stonebridge, raised in the architectural wonders of Chicago, developed an eye for prime real estate and a knack for sealing unbeatable deals early in her career. 

Marrying her academic background in urban planning with her passion for design, she became a trailblazer in the luxury real estate market. 

Natalie is recognized globally, helping clients find their dream properties while reshaping city skylines one landmark deal at a time.

Lila Pawsley

Pet Care Expert

Lila Pawsley, born in the lush countryside of Oregon, grew up surrounded by animals, fostering an innate understanding of their varied needs and behaviors. 

Turning her lifelong passion into a profession, she pioneered innovative pet care methodologies, emphasizing mental well-being alongside physical health. 

As of the present, Lila is a sought-after pet care expert, teaching pet owners globally how to cultivate deeper, more fulfilling bonds with their beloved companions.

And much more!

Unique Features Never Seen Before
in ANY App Include…

Clone Yourself into an AI Avatar Chatbot

Quick create a digital chatbot clone of yourself that’s trained with your specific knowledge.

Now you can be available 24-7 to mentor clients, close leads, and increase sales since your clone has all your expertise and can talk to clients and leads like you do.

Clone an Expert into an AI Avatar Chatbot

Choose to clone any public expert or institution into an AI chatbot avatar that's available around the clock.

Clone an expert to learn personally from without paying $1000s in hourly consulting fees. Or sell a replica to a business for them to converse with leads and clients 24-7.

Edit, Use, or Sell Already DFY AI Coaches

AICoaches comes loaded with fully pre-trained AI chatbot avatars that you can sell to biz owners or use them yourself. They're ready to go in popular niches like...

  • Bodybuilding Coach
  • Weightloss Coach
  • Financial Coach
  • Online Marketing Coach
  • Life Coach
  • Motivational Coach
  • Dentist Assistant
  • Plumbing Assistant
  • and more. Or create your own!

Customize the AICoach’s Knowledge

Choose which information your AICoach will know and share and what it won’t. Tell it where to get the info, or give it some files to get started.

Easilyl train your AI chatbot from YouTube videos, copy/paste text, text files, website links, and more.

Customize the Personality and Style

Customize the personality and coaching style of your AI avatar chatbot. You can customize things like...

Question vs Advice - Train your AI to ask questions and hold space like a coach or give direct advice like a mentor.

Gentle vs Direct - Want an empathetic AI or a straight-talking one? You choose!

Short vs Long - Train your AICoach to give shorter responses like a back and forth coaching session, or lengthier paragraphs containing more information.

and even more personality options for humanistic companions that don't seem like AI bots.

Customize AICoach Design

Easily customize the chat widget and upload any avatars or images so it feels like your talking to a real person or character.

Change fonts, colors, names, default responses, and more the way you want. No more cold, lifeless chatbot windows that get low interactions anymore.

Build Your List and Capture Data

Capture a visitor's email or information as they chat with your AICoach to generate leads.

Send leads to the autoresponder or CRM of your choice for email marketing, webinars, online consultations, and more.

Accept Payment and Let Your AI Coach Sell Products

Configure your AI chatbot avatar to sell custom products like a pro as they chat to prospects.

Accept payments and sell products while you sleep by integrating your Stripe, PayPal, RazorPay, or other payment solution.

Use as a Support Agent or Customer Service Representative

Use your AICoach as a trained customer support agent and provide worldclass support to your buyers and educate prospective leads, too

Your AI support agent will pull knowledge from your custom data training for speedy, accurate results that will delight employees or customers

Use as a 24-7 Coach & Product Creation Expert

Put your AICoach in a membership to provide coaching 24-7 to prospects when they can't reach you.

Plus, talk with your AI expert coach to create worldclass courses and marketing materials you can use to start your own coaching business.

Embed Anywhere Multiple Ways

Just copy some script and embed your AICoach anywhere as a popup or inline embed.

AICoaches work perfectly on desktop devices, tablets, and mobile phones.

Hold Multiple, Personalized Conversations at Once

Scale your income, not your workload with the ability for your AICoaches to hold multiple, personalized conversations at once with many leads.

Organize by Workspaces & Clients

Organize all your AI avatar chatbots by type and by client with this feature.

Keep everything tidy and organized as you scale you or your client's business at lightning speed.

View Conversation History

Keep detailed documentation of all chats logged with chat conversation history.

This important for compliance and to track what AI bots are producing the most results.

Appointment Booking Capabilities

Allow your AICoach to book appointments right from within the chat.

Send prospects to appointments with local businesses, send to consultation and demo calls, and much more super-easily in a click.

Download Leads from Within the App

AICoaches integrates with the most popular autoresponders and webinar solutions. Don't have an autoresponder? Don't worry. You can download all the leads captured through all AICoaches right from the dashboard and broadcast to them.

Commercial Rights - Sell to Small Businesses

Get the commercial rights and technology to sell AICoaches to small businesses offline and online.

Run an AI automation agency making thousands of dollars per month and helping your client capture the market share in their niche with these powerful, customized AI personas.

And Many More Features Like…

Fully Cloud-Based

24-7 Support & Knowledge-Base

Instant Response Time

GPT4 Based

No Technical Experience Needed

In-App Training

Frequent Updates Included

Amazing Results

Full Customization

AICoaches Launch Works for Any List & Industry

Affiliate Marketers

Drive traffic to a page with a AI avatar chatbot that answers questions in a specific niches & sells custom affiliate products

Agency Owners

Rent out DFY coaches for monthly fees or clone a store owner


Put yourself in a membership 24-7 to coach clients

eCommerce Stores

let an AICoach suggest custom products from your feed based on each new visitor

‘Brick-and-Mortar’ Businesses

Generate email leads & sales with an AICoach that's optimized to capture leads

And more

We Have a Congruent Funnel Priced to Convert:

AICoaches Premium

Includes all the features above with Commercial Rights to sell AICoaches to clients

AICoaches Gold
$127.00 Yearly

This upgraded, more advanced edition of AICoahces includes the unlimited license and advanced features like...

  • Create Unlimited Workspaces
  • Create Unlimited Coaches
  • Capture Unlimited Leads
  • Embed Unlimited AICoaches
  • Integrate Clients into App Create AI Coaches- 25 Max
  • Get 15 More Premium AI Coaches
  • Let AICoaches Collect Reviews 
  • Let AICoaches Collect Feedback
  • Advanced Customization - Customize Widgets with Backgrounds and Gradients
AICoaches Platinum

30x results by expanding into international markets, getting templates delivered each month, and much more.

  • International Technology - Make AICoaches in Any Languages Now
  • Train AiCoaches in Any Language
  • Remove the ‘Powered-By AICoaches’ Link 
  • Coach Booster Tech. - Have Coaches Send Welcome Messages & Suggestions
  • Template Club Access 
  • DFY Agency Site to Sell AICoaches to Clients
  • Agency Site Hosting 5 Year Plan
  • Payment Processor Integration - Accept Payment from Agency Clients
AICoaches Enterprise

This most advanced edition of AICoaches allows you to keep clients longer with advanced Enterprise technology, whitelabel the app as your very own so clients don’t buy from us, and far more like…

  • Agency Whitelabel - rebrand app with own logo & customized branding 
  • Integrate 500 Clients 
  • Enterprise Reseller - resell AICoaches with this most requested feature
  • Enterprise TMA Tech. - add team members into the software to do the work for you
  • Unlimited Team Members Licensing 
  • DFY Legal Client Contract to Close Big Tickets
  • DFY Coaching Agency Bundle - includes Fiverr Gig templates, agency proposal, swipes to close clients, and more
AICoaches Rewardsly 2.0 Unlimited Special

Special deal with extra features to Rewardsly 2,0. Rewardsly is a groundbreaking cloud app that creates and sells rewards programs and gift card systems to small businesses online or offline. This ‘smart’ app comes with agency rights allowing your subscribers to provide a much-needed service to small businesses and run a loyalty agency business hands-free with proprietary technology.

AICoaches PlayPix Unlimited Special

PlayPix is a groundbreaking drag-n-drop cloud video creation tool that lets anyone create studio-quality videos for any need in a matter of minutes with brand-new technology and no learning curve needed. Sell your loyalty agency services through these amazing videos.

AICoaches Forrk Unlimited Special

Forrk is a groundbreaking cloud app that creates everything restaurants need to survive allowing you to run a restaurant agency business. Set up QR-code menus & mobile online ordering/delivery for restaurants who can’t afford to pay huge fees to UberEats, GrubHub, Deliveroo and more

AICoaches Bundle Deal $317.00 One-Time

Plus, there will be a bundle deal for all the software features for a one-time price.

AICoaches MegaBundle Add-On $197.00

Users can ‘supersize’ their bundle deal to ‘mega’ for live coaching calls with Ben & Karthik, access to Massfluence community builder, training agency course, and more.

Lots of Prizes in Multiple Contests

Some Prizes Include...

Phase 1: Nov 7th (Tuesday) - Nov. 9th 11:59pm EST (Thursday)
Phase 2: Nov 10th (Friday) - Nov 13th 11:59pm EST (Monday)

With Phase 2 and additional contests to be announced soon!

Minimums apply - make the same in commissions as the prize money. If not, you will be paid commissions earned. 

Why AICoaches


Super unique product with a major need


Ben’s launches convert - Last one did 300k in 7 days (AISocials)


60% conversions on webinars (no paid actors)


We will reciprocate hard, constantly at the top of leaderboards


Multiple sales pages and sales videos ready for optimum conversions


Developer Karthik has a 10+ year track record of premium support & coding

We Will Be Reciprocating Even Harder This Year:

Ben has sent over 1 million in sales to partners in the last year with 14% conversion and industry-low 5.79% refund rate. This is because we still believe in doing proper promotions with our own bonuses, swipes, and demo videos.

We've been on too many leaderboards to make graphics for lately and will continue to reciprocate back hard to those that put in solid effort promoting our products.

Reach Out for Review Access or Any Questions